GA4 Ecommerce Events
add_payment_info (Event)
Event that tracks when payment information is added during checkout.
add_shipping_info (Event)
Event that tracks when shipping information is added during checkout.
add_to_cart (Event)
Event that records when items are added to the shopping cart.
add_to_wishlist (Event)
Event that tracks when items are added to a wishlist.
begin_checkout (Event)
Event marking the start of the checkout process.
purchase (Event)
Key ecommerce event recording completed transactions and revenue data.
refund (Event)
Event that tracks when a refund is issued for a previous purchase.
remove_from_cart (Event)
Event tracking when items are removed from shopping cart.
select_item (Event)
Event tracking when users select specific items or products.
select_promotion (Event)
Event tracking when users select specific promotions or offers.
view_item (Event)
Event tracking when users view product details pages.
view_item_list (Event)
Event recording when users view a list of products or items.
view_promotion (Event)
Event tracking when users view promotional content or offers.
GA4 User Engagement Events
file_download (Event)
Automatically collected event when a user downloads a file from your website.
first_visit (Event)
Event triggered when a user visits your website for the first time.
form_start (Event)
Enhanced measurement event tracking when users begin filling out a form.
form_submit (Event)
Event triggered when a user successfully submits a form on your website.
generate_lead (Event)
Event that tracks when a user submits information to be contacted about a product or service.
login (Event)
Event that tracks when a user logs into your website or application.
outbound_click (Event)
Automatically collected event when a user clicks a link to an external website.
page_view (Event)
Basic event that tracks when a page is loaded or reloaded in a browser.
scroll (Event)
Automatically collected event tracking how far users scroll down web pages.
search (Event)
Event that tracks when users perform searches on your website.
session_start (Event)
Event automatically fired when a user starts a new session on your website.
share (Event)
Event tracking when content is shared through social media or other sharing mechanisms.
sign_up (Event)
Event that tracks when users create new accounts or sign up for services.
user_engagement (Event)
Event that measures when users actively engage with your content.
view_search_results (Event)
Event that tracks when users view search results pages.
GA4 Video Events
video_complete (Event)
Event triggered when a user finishes watching a video.
video_progress (Event)
Event that tracks progress milestones during video playback.
video_start (Event)
Event triggered when a user starts playing a video.
GA4 Mobile App Events
app_open (Event)
Event that fires when a mobile application is opened or brought to the foreground.
screen_view (Event)
Event that tracks when users view specific screens in a mobile application.
GA4 Gaming Events
earn_virtual_currency (Event)
Event tracking when users earn virtual currency in games or apps.
join_group (Event)
Event that tracks when users join groups or communities.
level_end (Event)
Event tracking when users complete a game level.
level_start (Event)
Event tracking when users begin a game level.
level_up (Event)
Event tracking when users advance to a new level.
post_score (Event)
Event tracking when users post or submit game scores.
spend_virtual_currency (Event)
Event tracking when users spend virtual currency in games or apps.
tutorial_begin (Event)
Event tracking when users start a tutorial or guide.
tutorial_complete (Event)
Event tracking when users complete a tutorial or guide.
unlock_achievement (Event)
Event tracking when users unlock achievements or accomplishments.
GA4 Technical Events
exception (Event)
Event that tracks errors and exceptions that occur on your website or app.
timing_complete (Event)
Event that measures performance timing for various website or app operations.